
发文单位: 发文时间:2021-09-26



(1) Ying-Jun Min*, Eng-Ang Ling and Fan Li* (2020) Immunomodulatory mechanism and potential therapies of perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020.12.11. doi:org/10.3389/fphar.2020.580428 (IF:5.8, 中科院JCR:Q1)

(2)Yingjun Min†, Lin Yan†, Qian Wang, Fang Wang, Hairong Hua, Yun Yuan,Huiyan Jin, Ming Zhang, Yaling Zhao, Jianzhong Yang, Xiangning Jiang*,Yuan Yang* and Fan Li*.Distinct Residential and Infiltrated Macrophage Populations and Their Phagocytic Function in Mild and Severe Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Damage.Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2020.14: 244.doi: 10.3389/fncel. 2020.00244 (IF:5.08, 中科院JCR:Q2)  

(3)Yingjun Min1†,Hongchun Li 1†,Kaiyu Xu1†,Yilong Huang1,Jie Xiao1,Weizhou Wang1,Longjun Li1,Ting Yang1,Lixuan Huang1,Ling Yang1,Hong Jiang1,Qian Wang1,Min Zhao2,HaiRong Hua1,Rong Mei 3 and Fan Li*.Minocycline-Suppression of Early Peripheral Inflammation Reduces Hypoxia-Induced Neonatal Brain Injury. Frontiers in Neuroscience,2017.11.511. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00511刊号:1662-453X (IF:3.877, 中科院 JCR:Q2)

(4)Shu Wei#,Hai-Rong Hua#,Qian-Quan Chen1,Ying Zhang1,Fei Chen1,Shu-Qing Li,Fan Li*,Jia-Li Li*.Dynamic changes in DNA demethylation in the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis) brain during postnatal development and aging. Zoological Research,2017,38(2): 96-102 (IF:1.52, 中科院JCR:Q3)

(5) Sophorn Chip,David Fernández-López,Fan Li,Joel Faustino,Nikita Derugin,Zinaida S. Vexler,Genetic deletion of galectin-3 enhances neuroinflammation,affectsmicroglial activation and contributes to sub-chronic injury inexperimental neonatal focal stroke. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity,2017.01,60270-281  (IF:6.183, 中科院JCR:Q1)

(6) Jie Xiao, Yilong Huang, Xia Li, Longjun Li, Ting Yang, Lixuan Huang, Ling Yang, Hong Jiang, Hongchun Li, Fan Li*.TNP-ATP is beneficial for treatment of neonatal hypoxia-induced hypomyeliantion and cognitive decline in rat. Neuroscience Bulletin,2016.02.01,32(1):99-107. (IF:2.134, 中科院 JCR:Q3)

(7)Li F,Faustino J,Woo MS,Derugin N,Vexler ZS. Lack of the scavenger receptor CD36 alters microglial phenotypes after neonatal stroke. Journal of Neurochemistry,2015.09.03,135(3):445-452(IF:4.2, 中科院 JCR:Q2/TOP)

(8) Fan Li*, Lei Wang, Ji-Wei Li, Min Gong, Liang He, Rui Feng, and Zhen Dai, Shu-Qing Li. Hypoxia induced amoeboid microglial cell activation in postnatal rat brain is mediated by ATP receptor P2X4.BMC neuroscience.2011,12:111. (IF:3.09, JCR:Q3)

(9) Fan Li, Lu J, Wu CY, Kaur C, Sivakumar V, Sun J, Li S, Ling EA. Expression of Kv1.2 in amoeboid microglia and its putative roles in modulating production of proinflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species. Journal of Neurochemistry. 2008,106(5): 2093-2105.  (IF:4.2,  JCR:Q1)


A. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:82171430,小胶质细胞预激活在新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤增加AD易感中的作用机制研究,55万,主持2022.01.01-2026.01.01

B. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目:82160300,小胶质细胞表达PSD95调控新生儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤突触可塑性的作用机制研究,34万,主持2022.01.01-2026.01.01


D. 国家自然基金青年基金项目,81200939P2X4受体靶向抑制对新生鼠缺氧后脑内谷氨酸及血清Tau蛋白表达的调控机制研究,2013/01-2015/1223万元,主持,结题。
